123 Main Street, New York, NY 10001

National Civil Train

UETDRMP004 Perform elevated work platform controlled descent escape


Program Description

This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to perform an elevated work platform (EWP) controlled descent escape in an electricity supply industry (ESI) environment.

this course covers the use of EWP controlled descent escape procedures, including rescuing a person from a raised EWP. It specifies the requirements and how they apply in the context of transmission, distribution, or rail work functions. Successfully completing this course will allow you
to escape or assist with a rescue from an EWP with an Emergency Descent Device or Controlled Descent Device.

Program Details

Face to Face

HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation Plus UEECD0007 Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace OR UETDREL006 Work safely in the vicinity of live electrical apparatus as a non-electrical worker OR TLILIC0005 Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform

3 years
Max Class:
National Statement of Attainment

Program Summary

  • Inspection and fitting of rescue equipment
  • Assessing and controlling hazards to rescuer, victim, and others
  • Isolation procedures
  • Maintaining Safe Approach Distances (SAD’s) appropriate to EWP rescue &
  • EWP controlled descent rescue
  • Involvement of external emergency services as appropriate
  • Practical demonstration of rescuing a person

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